It's been a while guys, but I've been thinking of returning to Club Penguin finally. There is work to be done, pins to find, and tutorials to be given. I'd love to join the Club Penguin community again, but only if help is needed! So, what do you think? I'd love to hear some responses from anyone, saying whether or not I should make my return to CP Cheats and fix up my site with the latest stuff, or continue my vacation! So what do you all think?
So, what do you guys think? If I come back, I'll be updating my blog massively and making some huge changes, I'll fix up my Youtube channel and add more videos, and in general will keep you all up to date with the latest things going on in Club Penguin! So, what do you all think?
P.S. Keep watching the tracker on the right of my page to know when I'm online and on what server! Feel free to swing by and say hi!
Club Penguin Community Pin Cheat!
7 years ago